Click the links below to view & download the PDF forms. Please note, forms must be submitted by email as a pdf file or in hard copy to the Community office.
Homesite Alteration Request
Review the table below to determine if your request requires approval, and if so, whether it requires Community or Neighbourhood Approval.
All alterations, whether subject to approval or not, must comply with the Guidelines. The Guidelines are either attached as a schedule to your Sublease and Homeowner Agreement, or in some cases are a Restrictive Covenant registered against the Head Lease for your neighbourhood. You should have been provided copies when first purchasing your home. If you do not have a copy of the Guidelines, your Property Manager can provide you with a copy.
Any alterations undertaken which do not comply with the Guidelines will either be required to be reverted back to the pre-alteration condition or modified such that they comply with the Guidelines.
For any proposed alterations not covered on the above schedule, submit the Request for Alterations to your CSROA or your Neighbourhood Board of Directors.
Where an adult or townhouse neighbourhood Association is proposing a change affecting the majority of units within the neighbourhood, the Association must submit the proposed changes for approval by the Community of Sun Rivers Owner Association.
Homesite Alteration Request Form
Memorial Bench & Tree Program