- Where do I find out about all things Sun Rivers?
View this website for local news, community events, forms, neighbourhood contacts, classifieds and more. The main Sun Rivers website offers full information on real estate, the community and community administration. - Who is the contact person for my neighbourhood?
A list of Neighbourhood Directors can be found on the Contact page. - Where do I find out who the Property Manager is for my neighbourhood?
A list of Property Managers by Neighbourhood can be found on the Contact page - How do I get a key to my mail box?
Contact Canada Post at 1-800-267-1177 - What do my CSROA community fees cover?
Events, activities, decorations, maintenance and administration of the common property of the community. For a full breakdown refer to the budget and financial statements approved at the Annual General Meeting. This information is also provided in the Annual Report located at HERE. - Are garage sales permitted in Sun Rivers?
Yes, being mindful of the signage and parking guidelines.
A community wide garage sale is organized every year at the end of May or beginning of June. Signage and advertising for the community is provided through the CSROA. - If I want to change the exterior of my home or landscape plan, what do I do?
Approval is required:
Obtain an Exterior Alteration request form at our forms page. Review the information to determine if approval is required, and who to send the request to. - What happens at build out?
The Community Property is assigned from the developer to the Community Association and the Community Association Board of Directors will continue to manage the common affairs and common assets for the benefit of the owners.
- Where is parking for my guests?
Parking areas are common property and available for the benefit and use of resident’s guests. To ensure fairness and avoid parking spaces being monopolized by a few households visitor parking for your guest is available for up to 48 hours in various locations throughout the community. There is no doubt many residents have visitors for extended periods of time and extensions are available by emailing ( or phoning to register the guest’s vehicle by providing the vehicle description, licence number, location where it will be parked and the dates it will be in Sun Rivers. Guests are asked to observe the parking rules while visiting. Guests must be registered for the entire time they are visiting. - Is RV parking allowed?
RV’s and oversized vehicles and trailers are permitted in designated areas for up to 48 hours. Additional parking beyond 48 hours requires notification, which can be done by emailing or phoning. - Where can I find information on the Parking Guidelines?
Please refer to the Community Guidelines 6.2 for detailed parking information. Check with your Neighbourhood President if you don’t have a current copy of your neighbourhood rules.
- Who does street cleaning and snow removal on the streets?
Bluestem Utilities 1-877-788-7277 is responsible for providing a variety of government services under contract with the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc. Bluestem contracts these services to a variety of sub-contractors. - My street light is out, who do I call?
Bluestem Utilities 1-877-788-7277
- Where can I obtain property tax information?
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Lands, Leasing & Tax Department, Receptionist at 250-828-9784 - Frequently asked property tax questions, CLICK HERE
- When is garbage day?
Monday: 9th Green, Fairways, Mariposa, Rosewood, Sagewood, Trillium and The Pointe.
Tuesday: Canyon Ridge, Ironwood, Stoneridge, Irongate, Visao, Belmonte, Sillaro, Rio Vista
Note: pick up day is the same on all stat holidays unless otherwise notified. - Who picks up the garbage in Sun Rivers?
Garbage pickup is provided through Tk’emlups te Secwepemc. - How do I get my garbage can?
Contact Dan Gottriedson, Public Works Foreman, Tk’emlups te Secwepemc at
250.318.6400. - Is there recycling in Sun Rivers?
Yes, the clear bag program is available for your curbside pickup alongside with garbage pickup. TtS uses the same contractor as the City of Kamloops, Emterra, and all same conditions apply.
No glass please. CLICK HERE to view the brochure, or click the links below for City of Kamloops information. Kamloops Recyling Guide. Kamloops Recyling Website.
- How do I report an electrical, gas line or water emergency?
Bluestem Utilities 1-877-788-7277 (M-F, 8 AM to 5 PM) or After hours 1-855-244-7808 - Are there watering restrictions at Sun Rivers?
Similar to the City of Kamloops – odd numbered addresses water on odd calendar dates and even numbered addresses water on even calendar dates. - Where do I find more information about Bluestem Utilities?
Visit the Bluestem website and click on Bluestem Utilities | Sun Rivers | Home
- Do I need a licence for my dog?
Yes. Licenses can be obtained through the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Bylaws Office 250-314-1570. If your animal will be using City of Kamloops parks you will also require a City dog license. - Does my dog need to be leashed?
Yes. For your convenience dog bags/bins are also provided by the CSROA for easy mess disposal. - How many pets can our home have?
2 dogs, or 2 cats, or one of each - Who do I contact about pet concerns?
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Bylaw Office 250-314-1570
- Is there a community Garden?
Yes, located on East Shuswap Road. Garden plots are available for a seasonal fee and a deposit. Please contact Kinetic Realty & Property Management for details. - Is there a place to dispose of yard waste?
Residents can use the City of Kamloops facilities at Cinnamon Ridge or at the end of McGill.
- Is the Golf Course a place for me to go for a walk?
The golf course is private property. Any use of the course for walking during the winter months will be communicated by Big Horn Golf Course. Walking on the course during the golf season is not permitted unless you are paying golfer. - Are there walking trails in Sun Rivers?
Yes. A walking trail map is available at the Administration Office for your convenience. You can also access it online by CLICKING HERE. - Can I hike up the mountains above Sun Rivers?
No. The lands above Sun Rivers and to the east, past the fence, are private property and trespass is not permitted.
- Is the Golf Course a place for me to go for a walk?
For more detailed community guideline information please refer to the community and neighbourhood guidelines contained in your copy of the Sublease and Homeowner Agreement.